Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Roll Over Beethoven

As I entered the bathroom in church on Sunday to do my standup routine, a voice from the water closet says "Hello"?
I responded "Hello" and could tell from the voice that it was this young boy of about 10 that never has a dull moment.
He shouted "Who is that?"
Feeling a bit uncomfortable I said "It's Brother Parker!"
In a moment of strain like he was having a movement Beethoven would be proud of he said,
"Hi Brooooother Parkerrrrr, it's (insert name here)." ugh ugh ugh.
Needless to say I did not respond for a moment because I was cracking up inside. I decided that it was better for him that I didn't or he might have popped a vein.


Lindsey said...

Oh my gosh. Was he seriously that old?! That's ridiculous! You should have thrown something over the top of the stall at him. GROSS!

My word is lotriall...when all the latrines are full and there's a big potty party.

Paige said...

LMAO! What in the world!?

MY word is Oirol- The sound a pig makes when you step on it.

Sarah said...

hahaha that is disgusting...
and my word is cormi - the horrible feeling you get when you have to take care of business in a public place like church